GUNT DigiSkills 3
Preventive maintenance
GUNT DigiSkills
The teaching of digital skills in training students and professionals takes an essential part due to the increasing digitalisation of work processes in the context of Industry 4.0.
GUNT DigiSkills learning projects can help you to meet the new requirements of education: digital skills are covered from basic to more advanced.
Nowadays, production plants have a 24/7 availability. Predictive maintenance enables this continuous operation.
Condition monitoring of critical components is part of the concept of predictive maintenance. The time of maintenance or replacement is thus defined. This learning project is based on » MT 174 Sorting plant including real operation processes.

Didactic concept

Three gearboxes are installed in the sorting plant, which will help us visualise the process steps of the entire learning project. The entire, closed process for replacing a gearbox covers 10 process steps, from notification of the maintenance action to the final report. The process is IT-supported, using a wide variety of digital elements and technologies.
Entire preventive maintenance process

In more complex plants, systematic machinery condition monitoring within predictive maintenance is a well-established process. Extensive software applications exist to help manage machine condition monitoring. The process also includes the remote transmission of data and the generation of maintenance and service orders. The maintenance notification is triggered: An operating time counter in the PLC of the » MT 174 Sorting plant allows time-controlled maintenance of the three drive trains: As soon as the end of a maintenance interval is reached, the plant stops and a message is displayed in the PLC. For monitoring the rotary storage table drive, the menu additionally offers a sensor-controlled version of the monitoring. For this purpose, the gearbox is equipped with an electric heater and a temperature sensor. The oil sump of the gearbox can be heated electrically causing the lubricating oil temperature to rise and reach a limiting value. Various types of damage to roller bearings can be precisely diagnosed through vibration analysis. The experimental unit » PT 501 Roller bearing faults enables fast and illustrative experiments with the help of a powerful software. The primary aim is to keep plant downtime to an absolute minimum when maintenance is required. For this reason, the service team stocks a ready-to-install, tested replacement kit: spur and worm gear with drive motor. Before the service technician (here student/trainee) begins any work on the operational plant, preparations must be carried out based on technical documents. The technical documents, such as assembly drawing, parts list, assembly/disassembly instructions, tool and jig list can be accessed via QR code in the GUNT Media Center. To perform the service process, the DigiSkills learning project offers two ways: The augmented reality environment visualizes all the assembly steps. The following actions are required for access: The entire drive train can be removed from the MT 174 Sorting plant with the aid of an integrated crane. It is disassembled such that the motor and gearbox remain as individual units. In case the gearbox should be disassembled into its individual components, it is necessary to switch to the corresponding assembly exercise MT 123 Spur and worm gear from here on. During scheduled disassembly, the gearbox is disassembled and subjected to cleaning and inspection. For the disassembly and assembly we use our assembly exercise » MT 123 Spur and worm gear. The kit offers a gearbox constructed in the same way as the one installed in the MT 174 sorting plant. In difference, however, the kit included in the assembly exercise is specially prepared for easy assembly/disassembly, suitable for classroom desks. GUNT assembly exercises combine classic learning content with digital content and methods. They include hardware on an industrial level and a digital data package. The GUNT Skills Media Center serves as the platform providing digital data for tablet, PC or smartphone via the internet. Customers can access files and product information of selected products independent of time and place. The data includes CAD files as STP or DXF files as well as PDF files and videos. 3D drawings Videos Exploded views Engineering drawings and lists of parts Manuals Prepared exercises We realize that a certain component from our gearbox has to be manufactured because it is not available in stock and procuring it externally would take too long. Due to time constraints, we decide to use additive manufacturing. The students access the GUNT Media Center via QR code and check the available data for this gearbox. They identify the required part with the help of the included parts lists and single-part drawings. For 3D manufacturing, the STP file included in the GUNT Media Center is the basic document. A common 3D printer, e.g. GUNT laboratory 3D printer, can be used for this purpose. The students are concerned with the work order for 3D printing, learn which data must be provided and get a general overview of additive manufacturing itself. The students acquire information about the materials used in 3D printing, manufacturing tolerances, strength and limit stresses, additional work required, etc. The disassembled, inspected and cleaned » MT 123 spur and worm gear is assembled again. GUNT assembly exercises combine classic learning content with digital content and methods. They include hardware on an industrial level and a digital data package. The GUNT Media Center serves as the platform providing digital data for tablet, PC or smartphone via the internet. Customers can access files and product information of selected products independent of time and place. The data includes CAD files as STP or DXF files as well as PDF files and videos. After successful reassembly, the gearbox is subjected to a functional test under real conditions: In order to complete the entire process in class practically as well, we use » MT 173 Test stand for gears. The rebuilt gearbox is placed in the test stand, including positioning and fitting of protective covers. A PLC with touch screen is used for control and offers many supporting menus to conduct tests, display test results and graphical aids for the mechanical structure. The test sequence is automatically preset by the PLC. Switching to manual operation is also possible. Screenshots can be saved, integrated into a test report, converted into other formats or sent as a file. Graphical visualizations can be modified in many ways. Via the QR code you can access the GUNT Media Center for extensive information and teaching material, provided on purchase of the test stand MT 173.
Maintenance reporting
Condition monitoring & predictive maintenance
Time-controlled maintenance
Sensor-controlled maintenance
Supplementary experiments
Order to service team
Replace gearbox no. XY/3 on plant no. XY
The plant management issues an order to the service team for the replacement of the gearbox. The order lists the exact name and position of the gearbox at the plant. In industrial production plants, the order issuance can be automated. The order is then transferred automatically from the plant control system to the service team by e-mail, for example.
Replacement of the gearbox
Virtual by augmented reality
» Google Play Store
» Apple App Store
» Microsoft Store
Real, hands-on
Notification that the gearbox has been replaced
After the gearbox has been successfully replaced, the service team immediately contacts the plant management so that the plant downtime can be terminated.
General overhaul of the removed gearbox
The spur and worm gear removed from the sorting plant is overhauled in general. After testing with proof of full functionality, the component is stored and ready for the next circuit of the maintenance process.
Scheduled disassembly of the gearbox and definition of spare parts required
Next generation assembly exercises - Education 4.0
GUNT Media Center contents
Procurement of spare parts
Scheduled reassembly of the gearbox
Besides the video on disassembly, the GUNT Media Center offers a video on assembly. It shows the assembly step by step, including the tools and jigs.
Next generation assembly exercises - Education 4.0
Functional test for quality assurance
Test results
Final report once the process is complete
The gearbox is now completely overhauled and the plant management is informed.
After testing with proof of full functionality, the component is stored and ready for the next circuit of the maintenance process.
Learn more about the MT 174 sorting plant:
- How is the sorting plant constructed?
- How does it work?
- What features does the augmented reality environment offer?
Overview of devices involved in the overall process

Assembly exercises

Additive manufacturing
Laboratory 3D printer, order number: 609.00000A00185
Supplementary experiment: machinery diagnosis
Digital learning objectives at a glance

The following building blocks for the development of digital skills can be realized with the overall system GUNT‑DigiSkills 3:
- maintenance routines on a production plant, digitally monitored and displayed by a PLC from Siemens via touch screen
- use of augmented reality (AR) for the planned maintenance steps on the sorting plant
- understand the concept of preventive maintenance and familiarisation with the fundamentals of machine condition monitoring
- understand and be able to describe the internationally used terms “condition monitoring” and “predictive maintenance”
information availability via a portal: data from the GUNT Media Center, accessed via QR code
practical familiarisation with and ability to use file formats that are relevant in the engineering field: PDF, DXF, STP, STL, etc.

- use of different end devices, such as PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone, to retrieve information and to display processes
- develop an understanding of a closed, digital process sequence: ERP system or other database-driven information concepts
- familiarisation with additive manufacturing; understand and execute the necessary data transfer
- familiarisation with an automated gear testing process as a quality assurance element
use standard software throughout, become familiar with screen mirroring; make digital communication the standard
- understand and be able to describe basic concepts and characteristics of Industry 4.0