Energy efficiency in buildings
Structural and technical techniques for resource conservation
Significant savings can often be achieved just through simple measures and the more conscious use of energy. In the field of building heating, the necessary energy can be reduced by more than 80% through a combination of measures in some cases.

Investigation of the insulation properties of typical materials from the building materials sector
Learning objectives/experiments
- determine the thermal conductivity λ of different materials
- determine the thermal resistance
- thermal conductivity λ for several samples connected in series (up to a thickness of 50mm)

Transparent heat exchanger with additional temperature measuring point after half of the transfer section; parallel flow and counterflow operation
Learning objectives/experiments
- in conjunction with WL 110 supply unit
- function and behaviour during operation of a tubular heat exchanger
- plotting temperature curves:
in parallel flow operation
in counterflow operation

Typical plate heat exchanger in parallel flow and counterflow operation
Learning objectives/experiments
- in conjunction with WL 110 supply unit
- function and behaviour during operation of a plate heat exchanger
- plotting temperature curves:
in parallel flow operation
in counterflow operation

Transparent shell and tube heat exchanger in cross parallel flow and cross counterflow operation
Learning objectives/experiments
- in conjunction with WL 110 supply unit
- function and behaviour during operation of shell and tube heat exchanger
- plotting temperature curves:
in cross parallel flow operation
in cross counterflow operation

Heating using jacket or coiled tube; stirrer for improved mixing of medium
Learning objectives/experiments
- in conjunction with WL 110 supply unit
- function and behaviour during operation of a stirred tank with double jacket and coil
- plotting time functions:
heating mode with jacket
heating mode with coiled tube

Hydronic balancing of a heating system: three heating subcircuits with radiators, thermostatic valves and circulation pump
Learning objectives/experiments
- variable pipework resistance
- familiarisation with a preset balancing valve
- familiarisation with a preset thermostatic valve
- familiarisation with a differential pressure overflow valve

Basic principles of energy efficient heating technology with a computer-supported learning process
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with a heating circuit
- familiarisation with temperature control
- two-point controller
- PID controller
- recording of step response

Determination of characteristic pump variables
Learning objectives/experiments
- principle of operation of a centrifugal pump
- recording of pump characteristics
- effect of speed on head
- effect of speed on flow rate
- determination of pump efficiency

Modern air conditioning unit with heat pump function: cooling and heating
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of a split system air conditioner
- 6 operating modes
- cooling
- dehumidifying (slight cooling)
- heating
Our HL 320 modular system covers essential Subject Areas from the field of renewable energy usage in building services engineering.

Heat pump for operation with different sources, operating the heating controller via touch screen or web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with heat pump applications for heating rooms and hot water
- using the heat pump for cooling
- advantages and disadvantages of various system configurations (brine heat pump, air heat pump)
- configuration and adjustment of a heating controller for heat pump control
- operating behaviour under varying heat supply and demand

Electric complementary heater for the HL 320 modular system
Learning objectives/experiments
- complementary heating and/or domestic water heating by conventional additional heater
- bivalence point and heating load
- control strategies for complementary heating
- energy balances in conventionally supported solar thermal and heat pump systems

Pivotable flat collector for converting solar energy into heat
Learning objectives/experiments
- layout and function of the flat collector
- determining the net power
- how temperature, illuminance and angle of incidence affect the collector efficiency
- integration of a flat collector in a modern heating system
- hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions

Conversion of solar energy into heat in the evacuated tube collector
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of the evacuated tube collector
- determining the net power
- parameters affecting collector efficiency
- integration of an evacuated tube collector in a modern heating system
- hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions

Module with buffer storage and bivalent storage for heating systems with renewable energies, operating the heating controller via touch screen or web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- the following learning objectives can be worked through, depending on the selected HL 320 modular combination:
- familiarisation with modern heating systems based on renewable energy sources
- commissioning of heating systems with solar thermal energy and heat pump
- electrical, hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions
- properties of various heat storage methods

Can be used as heat sink or heat source
Learning objectives/experiments
- energy balance in combined heating systems for domestic hot water generation and heating
- heat transfer in an underfloor heating system
- use of heat sources for heat pump systems
- learning objectives of the HL 320 modular system

Can be used as heat sink or heat source
Learning objectives/experiments
- use of a fan convector for heating and cooling rooms
- how the temperature difference between the heating feed and return affects the overall efficiency of a heating system
- operating conditions when used as an air heat exchanger in a heat pump system
- comparison of an air heat exchanger with other heat sources in a heat pump system
On these pages we have compiled only a very small selection of devices on this topic. The basic approach to analysing energy flows in given application environments in order to achieve a reduction of primary energy use can also be demonstrated by many devices from our standard product range, in addition to our 2E devices.

Energy efficiency of an industrial plant for metalworking and mechatronics
Learning objectives/experiments
- energy analysis of a compressed air system, calculate efficiency
- estimate savings potential
- familiarisation with and investigation of typical industrial components of the system
- adjust the control behaviour of the compressor
- leak test

Industrial refrigeration system with ice store, dry cooling tower and wet cooling tower
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of an energy-efficient refrigeration system
- function and operation of an ice store
- charge
- discharge
- energy flow balance

Refrigeration system with three compressors in interconnected operation; adaptation to the capacity requirement
Learning objectives/experiments
- variables affecting energy efficiency
- controller parameters
- refrigerant supercooling
- interconnected operation of compressors
- operation of a multicompressor controller

Recording characteristic curves of industrial fittings and a centrifugal pump
Learning objectives/experiments
- characteristics of a centrifugal pump
- behaviour during operation and function of
- ball valve
- butterfly valve
- shut-off valve