Renewable energies in building services engineering
Saving energy is becoming increasingly important in modern building services engineering. The use of renewable energies in building services engineering has already become standard in many countries.
Photovoltaics describes the direct conversion of light into electricity. Solar power contributes towards sparing the environment, reduces the effort required for the transport of electricity and ensures an independent and cost-effective energy supply.
![ET 252](/images/datasheet/189/ET-252-Solar-cell-measurements-preview-gunt-189-foto_totale.jpg)
Investigation of the properties of solar cells; objective measurements by extensive temperature control of solar cells
Learning objectives/experiments
- physical behaviour of solar cells under varying illuminance and temperature
- recording of current-voltage curves
- calculating current strength and achievable output based on the single diode model
- how illuminance and temperature affect the curves
- interconnecting solar cells in parallel and series connection
![ET 250](/images/datasheet/186/ET-250-Photovoltaic-modules-measurements-preview-gunt-186-foto_totale.jpg)
Determining the characteristic parameters of a photovoltaic system
Learning objectives/experiments
- physical behaviour of photovoltaic modules under a variety of effects
- illuminance
- temperature
- shading
- familiarisation with key parameters
![ET 250.01](/images/datasheet/187/ET-250.01-Photovoltaic-in-grid-connected-operation-preview-gunt-187-foto_totale.jpg)
Expansion module for ET 250 with components for grid-connected usage of solar electricity
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with components from grid-connected use of photovoltaic power
- functioning of a circuit breaker and over voltage protection
- functioning of a grid-connected inverter with maximum power point tracking
- dependence of the inverter efficiency on the workload
- function of modern electricity meters
![ET 250.02](/images/datasheet/188/ET-250.02-Stand-alone-operation-of-photovoltaic-modules-preview-gunt-188-foto_totale.jpg)
Expansion module for ET 250 with components for independent use of electricity from photovoltaic modules
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with practical components for stand-alone use of photovoltaic electricity
- functioning of a circuit breaker and over voltage protection
- functioning of a charge controller with integrated maximum power point tracking
- influence of the workload on the efficiency of components
- influence of fluctuations in solar energy and/or electricity usage on the overall system efficiency
![ET 255](/images/datasheet/190/ET-255-Operating-options-for-modular-solar-electricity-systems-preview-gunt-190-foto_totale.jpg)
Electrical components of a photovoltaic installation in practice; operation with real photovoltaic modules or a photovoltaic simulator
Learning objectives/experiments
- investigate components of modern systems for use of photovoltaics
- function of modules for performance optimisation (MPP tracker)
- function of inverters and charge controllers
- operating behaviour with varying illuminance and temperature
- efficiency and dynamic behaviour of system components
![ET 255.01](/images/datasheet/1869/ET-255.01-Photovoltaic-simulator-preview-gunt-1869-foto_totale.jpg)
Simulation of the current and voltage characteristics of photovoltaic modules
Learning objectives/experiments
- current/voltage characteristics of photovoltaic modules
- power optimisation with MPP trackers (maximum power point tracker)
- operating behaviour of photovoltaic modules with varying illuminance and temperature
- efficiency and dynamic behaviour of ET 255 system components
- experiments with ET 255 and ET 255.03 with specified generation and consumption profiles
![ET 255.02](/images/datasheet/1870/ET-255.02-Photovoltaic-modules-for-solar-electricity-systems-preview-gunt-1870-foto_totale.jpg)
Operating behaviour of photovoltaic modules with varying temperature and illuminance; illumination by sunlight or light source HL 313.01
Learning objectives/experiments
- use of photovoltaic modules in modern solar electricity systems
- experiments with ET 255 and ET 255.03 with specified generation and consumption profiles
- operating behaviour of photovoltaic modules with varying temperature and illuminance
- influence of the inclination angle on the maximum power point (MPP)
- power optimisation with MPP trackers
![ET 255.03](/images/datasheet/1871/ET-255.03-Consumers-in-solar-electricity-systems-preview-gunt-1871-foto_totale.jpg)
Controllable electrical consumers for utilisation simulation in solar electricity systems
Learning objectives/experiments
- prioritisation of electrical consumers in solar electricity systems
- energy management systems for optimising self-consumption
- use cases with changing grid availability
- consumers in emergency power mode
- experiments with specified generation and consumption profiles
![ET 256](/images/datasheet/191/ET-256-Cooling-with-solar-electricity-preview-gunt-191-foto_totale.jpg)
Compression refrigeration system for operation with solar current from ET 250 or ET 255.02
Learning objectives/experiments
- supply a compression refrigeration system with current from photovoltaic modules
- components of a photovoltaic refrigerating plant
- operation of the compressor with changing power available and cooling demand
- charge and discharge cold accumulators
- coefficient of performance of the refrigerating plant dependent on operating conditions
Solar thermal technology describes the use of solar energy to provide heat. In modern buildings, solar-generated heat is used for heating and domestic water heating.
![ET 202](/images/datasheet/182/ET-202-Principles-of-solar-thermal-energy-preview-gunt-182-foto_totale.jpg)
Determining characteristic parameters of a solar thermal system; model fitted with artificial radiation source
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of a simple solar thermal system
- determining the net power
- energy balance on the solar collector
- influence of illuminance, angle of incidence and flow rate
- determining efficiency curves
![ET 202.01](/images/datasheet/1738/ET-202.01-Parabolic-trough-collector-preview-gunt-1738-foto_totale.jpg)
Function and operating behaviour of a parabolic trough collector, accessorie for ET 202
Learning objectives/experiments
- focusing solar radiation with a parabolic trough mirror
- optical concentration factor
- conversion of radiant energy into
heat - losses in thermal solar collectors
![ET 203](/images/datasheet/1753/ET-203-Parabolic-trough-collector-with-solar-tracking-preview-gunt-1753-foto_totale.jpg)
Function and operating behavior of a parabolic trough collector, astronomical and sensor-based sun tracking, system control via PLC
Learning objectives/experiments
- focusing of solar radiation with a parabolic trough mirror
- optical concentration factor
- DNI: Direct Normal Irradiance
- sensor-based sun tracking
- astronomical sun tracking
![HL 313](/images/datasheet/423/HL-313-Domestic-water-heating-with-flat-collector-preview-gunt-423-foto_totale.jpg)
Demonstration of the conversion of the sun's radiation energy into heat and the storing of that heat, operating the solar controller via web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with the functions of the flat collector and the solar circuit
- determining the net power
- relationship between flow and net power
- determining the collector efficiency
- relationship between temperature difference (collector/environment) and collector efficiency
![HL 314](/images/datasheet/1720/HL-314-Domestic-water-heating-with-tube-collector-preview-gunt-1720-foto_totale.jpg)
Familiarisation with the functions of the evacuated tube collector and the solar circuit, operating the solar controller via web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with the functions of the evacuated tube collector and the solar circuit
- determining the net power
- relationship between flow and net power
- determining the collector efficiency
- relationship between temperature difference (collector/environment) and collector efficiency
![HL 320.03](/images/datasheet/427/HL-320.03-Flat-collector-preview-gunt-427-foto_totale.jpg)
Pivotable flat collector for converting solar energy into heat
Learning objectives/experiments
- layout and function of the flat collector
- determining the net power
- how temperature, illuminance and angle of incidence affect the collector efficiency
- integration of a flat collector in a modern heating system
- hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions
![HL 320.04](/images/datasheet/428/HL-320.04-Evacuated-tube-collector-preview-gunt-428-foto_totale.jpg)
Conversion of solar energy into heat in the evacuated tube collector
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of the evacuated tube collector
- determining the net power
- parameters affecting collector efficiency
- integration of an evacuated tube collector in a modern heating system
- hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions
![HL 320.05](/images/datasheet/429/HL-320.05-Central-storage-module-with-controller-preview-gunt-429-foto_totale.jpg)
Module with buffer storage and bivalent storage for heating systems with renewable energies, operating the heating controller via touch screen or web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- the following learning objectives can be worked through, depending on the selected HL 320 modular combination:
- familiarisation with modern heating systems based on renewable energy sources
- commissioning of heating systems with solar thermal energy and heat pump
- electrical, hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions
- properties of various heat storage methods
Shallow geothermal energy is based on the same fundamental principle as solar thermal energy. However, in this case it is the ground which is acting as a heat source, not the sun. There is an underground pipe system in which a liquid heat transfer medium circulates.
![ET 262](/images/datasheet/192/ET-262-Geothermal-probe-with-heat-pipe-principle-preview-gunt-192-foto_totale.jpg)
Transparent components allow observing how the state of the heat transfer medium changes
Learning objectives/experiments
- fundamentals of geothermal energy
- operating behaviour of a geothermal probe with heat pipe principle
- determination of the amount of heat that can be dissipated in the heat pipe with variation of the thermal load
- variation of the filling level of the heat transfer medium contained
- examination of the radial temperature profile in a sand sample and determination of the thermal conductivity
![ET 264](/images/datasheet/193/ET-264-Geothermal-energy-with-two-well-system-preview-gunt-193-foto_totale.jpg)
Use of geothermal energy in an open system without thermal repercussion
Learning objectives/experiments
- fundamentals of geothermal use
- operating behaviour of a two-well system
- hydraulic and thermal properties of the ground
- determination of the usable heat capacity
- fundamentals and energy balance of a heat pump
![HL 320.07](/images/datasheet/430/HL-320.07-Underfloor-heating--geothermal-energy-absorber-preview-gunt-430-foto_totale.jpg)
Can be used as heat sink or heat source
Learning objectives/experiments
- energy balance in combined heating systems for domestic hot water generation and heating
- heat transfer in an underfloor heating system
- use of heat sources for heat pump systems
- learning objectives of the HL 320 modular system
Cogeneration describes the simultaneous recovery of mechanical and/or electrical energy and thermal heat.
![ET 292](/images/datasheet/195/ET-292-Fuel-cell-system-preview-gunt-195-foto_totale.jpg)
Water-cooled polymer-membrane fuel cell combined heat and power
Learning objectives/experiments
- conversion of chemical energy into electrical and thermal energy
- function and design of a fuel cell system
- relationships of fuel cell operating parameters
- effects on the electrical performance of fuel cells
- recording and visualisation of all relevant voltage/current characteristics
GUNT- RHLine (renewable heat): structural and technical techniques for resource conservation
![HL 320.01](/images/datasheet/425/HL-320.01-Heat-pump-preview-gunt-425-foto_totale.jpg)
Heat pump for operation with different sources, operating the heating controller via touch screen or web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with heat pump applications for heating rooms and hot water
- using the heat pump for cooling
- advantages and disadvantages of various system configurations (brine heat pump, air heat pump)
- configuration and adjustment of a heating controller for heat pump control
- operating behaviour under varying heat supply and demand
![HL 320.02](/images/datasheet/426/HL-320.02-Conventional-heating-preview-gunt-426-foto_totale.jpg)
Electric complementary heater for the HL 320 modular system
Learning objectives/experiments
- complementary heating and/or domestic water heating by conventional additional heater
- bivalence point and heating load
- control strategies for complementary heating
- energy balances in conventionally supported solar thermal and heat pump systems
![HL 320.03](/images/datasheet/427/HL-320.03-Flat-collector-preview-gunt-427-foto_totale.jpg)
Pivotable flat collector for converting solar energy into heat
Learning objectives/experiments
- layout and function of the flat collector
- determining the net power
- how temperature, illuminance and angle of incidence affect the collector efficiency
- integration of a flat collector in a modern heating system
- hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions
![HL 320.04](/images/datasheet/428/HL-320.04-Evacuated-tube-collector-preview-gunt-428-foto_totale.jpg)
Conversion of solar energy into heat in the evacuated tube collector
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of the evacuated tube collector
- determining the net power
- parameters affecting collector efficiency
- integration of an evacuated tube collector in a modern heating system
- hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions
![HL 320.05](/images/datasheet/429/HL-320.05-Central-storage-module-with-controller-preview-gunt-429-foto_totale.jpg)
Module with buffer storage and bivalent storage for heating systems with renewable energies, operating the heating controller via touch screen or web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- the following learning objectives can be worked through, depending on the selected HL 320 modular combination:
- familiarisation with modern heating systems based on renewable energy sources
- commissioning of heating systems with solar thermal energy and heat pump
- electrical, hydraulic and control engineering operating conditions
- properties of various heat storage methods
![HL 320.07](/images/datasheet/430/HL-320.07-Underfloor-heating--geothermal-energy-absorber-preview-gunt-430-foto_totale.jpg)
Can be used as heat sink or heat source
Learning objectives/experiments
- energy balance in combined heating systems for domestic hot water generation and heating
- heat transfer in an underfloor heating system
- use of heat sources for heat pump systems
- learning objectives of the HL 320 modular system
![HL 320.08](/images/datasheet/431/HL-320.08-Fan-heater--air-heat-exchanger-preview-gunt-431-foto_totale.jpg)
Can be used as heat sink or heat source
Learning objectives/experiments
- use of a fan convector for heating and cooling rooms
- how the temperature difference between the heating feed and return affects the overall efficiency of a heating system
- operating conditions when used as an air heat exchanger in a heat pump system
- comparison of an air heat exchanger with other heat sources in a heat pump system
Heat pumps transport heat from a low energy level to a higher energy level and can be used for heating.
![ET 102](/images/datasheet/150/ET-102-Heat-pump-preview-gunt-150-foto_totale.jpg)
Utilisation of ambient heat for water heating
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of an air-to-water heat pump
- representation of the thermodynamic cycle in the log p-h diagram
- energy balances
- determination of important characteristic variables
- compressor pressure ratio
- compressor pressure ratio
![ET 405](/images/datasheet/203/ET-405-Heat-pump-for-cooling-and-heating-operation-preview-gunt-203-foto_totale.jpg)
Heat pump with various heat exchangers for air and water
Learning objectives/experiments
- design, operation and key components of a heat pump or refrigeration system
- representation of the thermodynamic cycle in the log p-h diagram
- comparing different operating modes
- measurement of compressor capacity and heating or cooling capacity in the glycol-water circuit
- determination of
![HL 320.01](/images/datasheet/425/HL-320.01-Heat-pump-preview-gunt-425-foto_totale.jpg)
Heat pump for operation with different sources, operating the heating controller via touch screen or web browser
Learning objectives/experiments
- familiarisation with heat pump applications for heating rooms and hot water
- using the heat pump for cooling
- advantages and disadvantages of various system configurations (brine heat pump, air heat pump)
- configuration and adjustment of a heating controller for heat pump control
- operating behaviour under varying heat supply and demand
Ice storage systems are charged via a refrigerating plant and discharged again in the event of very high loads. They offset inhomogeneous load profiles of buildings.
![ET 420](/images/datasheet/213/ET-420-Ice-stores-in-refrigeration-preview-gunt-213-foto_totale.jpg)
Industrial refrigeration system with ice store, dry cooling tower and wet cooling tower
Learning objectives/experiments
- design and operation of an energy-efficient refrigeration system
- function and operation of an ice store
- charge
- discharge
- energy flow balance