GUNT DigiSkills 2

Dimensional metrology

GUNT DigiSkills 2

Dimensional metrology

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GUNT DigiSkills

The teaching of digital skills in training students and professionals takes an essential part due to the increasing digitalisation of work processes in the context of Industry 4.0.

GUNT DigiSkills learning projects can help you to meet the new requirements of education: digital skills are covered from basic to more advanced.

Dimensional metrology as a main element of quality inspection can be found in all curricula of a wide variety of metalworking professions. In addition to versatile learning objectives of dimensional metrology, comprehensive digital skills are developed with GUNT DigiSkills 2. Each system that is part of DigiSkills 2 includes access to extensive material in digital formats:


  • by accessing the GUNT Media Center
  • by using the E-Learning courses
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The perfect combination of hardware & teachware

DigiSkills Konzept


Didactic concept


Lehrsituation Konzept

The DigiSkills 2 learning project provides comprehensive exercises on dimensional metrology. The learning level ranges from "beginner" to "expert". The learning project includes six didactically related practice kits.

All GUNT DigiSkills learning projects follow the model of hybrid learning objective development:


Hybrides Lernkonzept



Traditional subject-specific learning objectives are achieved in parallel and integratively with the development of digital skills. Always in a practical environment.

Lehrsituation Konzept

Each practice kit includes an E-Learning course that is individually tailored to the practice kit. Each practice kit also provides access to the GUNT Media Center. This combination enables the teaching of extensive digital skills.


Hardware: fundamentals

Messungen PT102

The learning project contains four practice kits for systematic and staged learning of the fundamentals. The test objects of those kits have been selected according to didactic criteria – from the simple to the demanding – and designed for a variety of different test procedures.


Each practice kit contains 10 test objects, which appear similar. The task is to test whether the dimensions of the test objects correspond to the engineering drawing.


» PT 102 Spacer plate

PT102 komplett

Testing lengths and depths

» PT 104 Angle piece

PT104 komplett

Testing angles, radii, lengths and depths

» PT 105 Shaft

PT105 komplett

Testing threads, diameters, lengths and depths

» PT 109 Hub

PT109 komplett

Testing diameters, lengths and depths


Hardware: industrial level

PT107108 Ausschnitt

Two additional practice kits contain test objects with technical functionality or specific applications. The test objects in these practice kits are original components from the » MT 123 spur and worm gear assembly exercise. The students/trainees are familiarised with a real-world technical environment with many aspects that go beyond the narrower view of metrology: functionality, materials, GPS (Geometrical Product Specifications), design, etc.


» PT 107 Flange housing


PT107 komplett

Testing a thread, the surface roughness, diameters, lengths and depths

» PT 108 Output shaft


PT108 komplett

Testing the surface roughness, diameters, lengths and depths

» MT 123 Assembly exercise: spur and worm gear

MT123 107108 markiert

Familiarisation with the closer functional relationship of the two test objects and the gearbox as a whole


Storage system


PT102 Aufbewahrung

Each practice kit is clearly laid out and well protected in its own storage system. The test objects and the necessary test equipment are included.


Keep everything tidy, neatly arranged and easy to transport and maintain an overview to ensure constant and immediate availability.




Teachware: digital learning

GUNT Media Center


QR Media Center

The GUNT Media Center serves as the platform providing digital data for tablet, PC or smartphone via the internet. Customers can access files and product information of selected products independent of time and place.


We provide the following data for the practice kits of dimensional metrology:

  • main drawing in PDF, DXF, STP format as target specification
  • access to the E-Learning course
  • worksheets – for teaching personnel with solutions
  • data sheets for the test equipment


» Login GUNT Media Center

MC Zeichnungen
MC E learn
MC Arbeitsbltter
Media Center Struktur

Quick and clear navigation will take you to the systems that are part of the DigiSkills 2 learning project.


E-Learning course


E Learning

For each practice kit, you have full access to the appropriate and comprehensive E-Learning course, which is individually tailored to the training system.


Main features of the E-Learning course:

  • fundamentals of dimensional metrology
  • knowledge check with a quiz at certain points of the course
  • concrete exercises and information for each practice kit
  • dynamic graphics with plenty of interesting animations


Most importantly, it is not just some theoretical course. GUNT offers an E-Learning course that is fully tailored to the training systems. A perfect synthesis between hardware and educational software.


Digital worksheets


MC Arbeitsblatt PT102

Students or trainees will find a digital worksheet for each test object in the GUNT Media Center. Once the measurement task has been completed, the worksheet is used for further digital communication: e.g. students/ trainees e-mail the solution to the teacher/ trainer or save the file in designated folders.

MC Lsung

Teachers/trainers can access the solution in the GUNT Media
Center for each test object. Access to solutions is password protected.

Screenshot MC Digi2 Aufgaben

A large number of additional worksheets are available as part of GUNT DigiSkills 2.







Additional exercise proposals

Functional contexts of components


Explosion MT123

The PT 107 and PT 108 practice kits each study one test object, which has been taken from MT 123 spur and worm gear assembly kit. The aim of this exercise is to explore the technological environment of these two test objects:


  • familiarisation with the gear as a whole
  • recognise the closer functional relationship of the two components (test objects)
  • familiarisation with and use of the comprehensive digital tools and information paths of the GUNT Media Center


Fit systems


Passungen MT123

Fit systems are part of the fundamental knowledge for specialists in the relevant metalworking professions. Understanding can be acquired, repeated or deepened. Always with reference to real-world parts for which the standard-compliant drawings are available in the GUNT Media Center.


  • familiarisation with fit systems according to DIN 7154 and DIN 7155 and general
    tolerances according to ISO 2768-m
  • understand and be able to explain hole/shaft basis fit systems


GPS: Geometrical Product Specifications



ISO GPS is the most important standardisation system in technical communication for describing and checking workpiece properties. With regard to Industry 4.0, uniform drawings and data – with precisely specified requirements for the workpieces – are a basis for cooperation, including from an international perspective.

Two processes are distinguished:


  • Specification process
    The specification process is the process that takes place in the definition (development) of a product. The design intent is made concrete by certain GPS properties. The specification process is the responsibility of the design department. The test objects from the PT practice kits are ideally suited for the verification process. All standard-compliant drawings are available.
  • Verification process
    The verification process takes place after the manufacture of an actual component. The aim is to verify the geometrical properties on the real workpiece: quality inspection to determine conformity. The verification is the responsibility of the quality inspection department (test engineering).
GPS Matrix

The two main processes, specification process and verification process, belong together to produce a defect-free component. This relationship is clearly illustrated in the matrix model.


Technical terminology


English lernen

Working with the GUNT DigiSkills learning projects gives you every opportunity to learn technical terminology in a practical way and in a technical context.


All contents and information in drawings and parts lists are available in English/German at a minimum. In addition, the GUNT Media Center allows you to choose Spanish and French.




Integrated devices



Kisten bungstze

Dimensional metrology practice kits, fundamentals


Training kit   Test object  Test equipment 
» PT 102  Spacer plate 

PT102 Distanzplatte


  • digital calliper
  • vernier calliper
  • depth calliper
  • depth micrometer
» PT 104  Angle piece 

PT102 Distanzplatte


  • vernier calliper
  • depth calliper
  • universal goniometer

  • radius gauge
» PT 105  Shaft 

PT105 Welle


  • vernier calliper
  • depth calliper
  • external micrometer
  • 3x slip gauge
  • thread gauge
» PT 109  Hub 

PT109 Nabe


  • vernier calliper
  • depth calliper
  • three point internal micrometer with setting ring
  • limit plug gauge



Dimensional metrology practice kits, industrial level


Training kit   Test object  Test equipment 
» PT 107  Flange housing 

PT107 Flanschgehuse


  • vernier calliper
  • three point internal micrometer with setting ring
  • thread limit plug gauge
  • surface comparison plates
» PT 108  Output shaft 

PT108 Abtriebswelle


  • vernier calliper
  • depth calliper
  • digital external micrometer
  • surface comparison plates

Assembly kits

» MT 123 Assembly exercise: spur and worm gear




Digital learning objectives at a glance


Lernsituation Lerninhalte

The following building blocks for the development of digital skills can be realized with the overall system GUNT‑DigiSkills 2:


  • using web portals as a source of information: data from the GUNT Media Center, accessed via QR code or link
  • familiarisation with various practical file formats: PDF, DXF, STP, etc.
  • use standard business software, e.g. Office packages, ERP systems, Computer Aided Design (CAD)
  • create or edit drawings, protocols, work plans
  • use digital learning media, e.g. web-based training (WBT)
  • research information sources and obtain information from digital networks; evaluate information from the Internet, portals, platforms
  • familiarisation with digital test equipment with data interfaces
  • media technology, presentation methods
  • paperless processing of exercises and associated protocols, interactive PDF templates, email communication, video conferencing





© G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH 2025 | No text or images to be used without the express written permission of G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH
