Augmented reality in the classroom

Augmented reality in the classroom

...raises the learning process to the next level

Digital features
AR symbol   Augmented reality interface for immersive learning
VL symbol   Visual learning for more motivation to learn
QR symbol   QR codes on GUNT devices for ease of use
MC symbol   Added informative value through digital content on GUNT's own web platform


Immerse yourself in augmented reality

The invisible becomes visible


Hidden components are now made visible and complex setups can be clearly demonstrated.

Real environment – virtual objects


Principles of operation are presented in an appealing manner, making the work procedure a tangible experience. Always in the context of the real environment.

360° change of perspective

Exploded views

The design of multidimensional components can be easily seen; the 3D representation can be disassembled down to its individual parts.

Increase retention


Whether assembly instructions or explanatory films, the videos can be played again and again, a repetition that promotes learning success.

Assistance functions

Technical info

Content that is appropriate to needs and context, such as technical data, complete sets of drawings as DXF, STP and PDF files, and parts lists are available in digital form.

Added informative value

Media Center

Unlimited access to all digital content of your project on GUNT's own web-based platform, the GUNT Media Center.


Watch our example ...

QR code

... from your smartphone


You don't need to install any other app to gain a first impression. Just scan the QR code and dive right in. 


The augmented reality content at this point gives an idea of the possibilities offered by augmented reality experiences. We would be happy to show you the full scope of our augmented reality projects as part of a product presentation directly on site, as an online event or at our GUNT Technical Academy.




Experience augmented reality in the classroom


More fun when learning

The use of augmented reality as an immersive experience in the classroom is becoming increasingly popular.

Interactivity creates an engaging lesson structure through:


  • an intuitive approach: just try things out!
  • a fun way to handle complex systems, components and functions, without any fear of technology
  • effective involvement of trainees and students
  • emotional involvement of the active learning content; as many senses as possible are stimulated




Real experiments – digital media

GUNT's teaching-learning concept offers hands-on devices and didactically coordinated digital materials.

For technical education with: 


  • structured learning processes
  • close connection between theoretical and practical learning content
  • contemporary and highly appealing teaching materials
  • connection between learned contents and the real environment
  • complementing traditional education with modern technologies



One medium

ONE end device for all the digital diversity

ALL data and media can be easily accessed with ONE tablet or smartphone.


  • one access for all digital content
  • 3D representations and videos
  • complete sets of drawings in DXF, STP and PDF format
  • interactive tasks with solutions for teachers




Any number of users

Any number of end devices can be used simultaneously to access the digital media.


  • for small groups, whole classes or even nationwide competitions with several hundred users at the same time
  • no licenses required; all that's needed is Internet access and the end devices
  • usage is independent of location and time



GUNT devices with augmented reality


Assembly projects


Hardware Aufbewahrung

Our assembly kits are designed for technical colleges and company training centres. The close link between theory and practice-based learning content is evident.


  • assembly exercises on an industrial level
  • clear storage system
  • complete set of assembly tools included



Experimental plants




The entire, closed process in the sorting plant MT 174 comprises 10 process steps, from notification of the maintenance action to the final report.


The process is IT-supported, using a wide variety of digital elements and technologies.

QR Verdichter

Scan QR code and experience augmented reality


» MT 174 Sorting plant

» MT 175 Energy efficiency in compressed air systems



© G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH 2024 | No text or images to be used without the express written permission of G.U.N.T. Gerätebau GmbH
