Hydronic balancing is used to limit the amount of water which is calculated for each radiator. Balancing ensures that all radiators can be supplied with hot water at all operating points according to their thermal requirement. Balancing is usually carried out via presettable thermostatic valves.
HL 305 consists of a closed heating water circuit with six radiators and a circulation pump. The pipe elements used are commercially standard components in heating and sanitary engineering. The clear panel is mounted on a sturdy, movable frame.
The piping system is divided into three heating subcircuits. Each subcircuit has an adjustable balancing valve in the flow and in the return. A different output or flow rate can be set for each subcircuit. All three subcircuits can be shut-off individually.
The adjustable lockshield valve on the radiators simulate pipe resistance as required. The differential pressure across the pipe system is limited using a differential pressure overflow valve.
The hydronic balancing of the individual radiators is carried out via the presettable thermostatic valves according to their predefined outputs. The flow is read on rotameters.
Once filled, the system is independent of the water mains or feed flow and return flow pipe connections. The trainer is equipped with a pressure expansion vessel and a boiler safety group and can also be operated as an open circuit with external heating water.