Express delivery

This list shows you all devices that we can deliver within 5 weeks, delivery ex works.

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Search result for products: 6

found with: [SE112 5weeks]

SE 112

Mounting frame

Base unit for clear and simple set-up of experiments on statics, strength of materials and dynamics

found with: [5weeks]

SE 110.12

Lines of influence on the Gerber beam

Using methods of section and conditions of equilibrium of statics to determine support forces

SE 110.16

Parabolic arch

Differences between statically determinate and statically indeterminate arches under load

SE 110.17

Three-hinged arch

Symmetric and asymmetric arch subjected to point, line or moving loads

SE 110.18

Forces on a suspension bridge

Supporting cable force and demonstration of bending moments between the roadway support and supporting cables

SE 110.30

Dial gauges

Measurement of deformation during mechanical experiments


Products: 1-6 / 6 - Page: 1 / 1


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