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Search result for products: 10

found with: [TM110.03 5weeks]

TM 110.03

Supplementary set - gear wheels

Mode of operation of single-stage and multistage toothed gear mechanisms

found with: [5weeks]

EM 049

Equilibrium of moments on a two-arm lever

Investigation of applied forces, generated moments and equilibrium

FL 111

Forces in a simple bar structure

Resolution of forces in a simple bar structure

SE 110.53

Equilibrium in a single plane, statically determinate system

Experimental investigation of the important principle of free vectors in statics

TM 110

Fundamentals of statics

Demonstration of force and moment equilibrium in a mechanical force system

TM 110.01

Supplementary set - inclined plane and friction

Measurement and demonstration of spring deflection, inclined plane and mechanical friction

TM 110.02

Supplementary set - pulley blocks

Construction and mode of operation of three different pulley blocks

TM 115

Forces in a crane jib

Graphical and experimental determination of forces in a planar central force system

TM 121

Equilibrium of moments on pulleys

Clear demonstration of the equilibrium of moments

TM 122

Equilibrium of moments on a differential pulley block

Equilibrium of forces and moments and the demonstration of the force reduction on a differential pulley block


Products: 1-10 / 10 - Page: 1 / 1


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