Photovoltaic modules convert sunlight directly into electrical current and are therefore an ideal component for renewable energy supply. Typical modules from the field of photovoltaics are made of several silicon solar cells connected in series.
The ET 250 trainer contains two such photovoltaic modules. The inclination of the modules can be adjusted. Cables can be used to connect the two modules in series or in parallel. A slide resistor simulates varying loads. Thus, the slide resistor makes it possible to record current-voltage curves.
The separate measuring amplifier provides displays for all relevant variables. Two power resistors in the measuring amplifier are used to expand the measuring range for measurements at low illuminance. Sensors on the solar module detect illuminance and temperature.
In order to ensure there is sufficient illuminance, the trainer should be operated with sunlight or the optionally available artificial light source HL 313.01.
ET 250 can be expanded easily by using ET 250.01 Photovoltaic in grid-connected operation and ET 250.02 Stand-alone operation of photovoltaic modules.